Friday, February 1, 2013

February Update

February is beginning on a very chilly note here in Kansas City. What a crazy week of weather we've had! Monday it was in the 70's and today single digits. One of the church's ministry partners from Malawi has been visiting for the past couple of weeks and wanted to see snow and we even had some of that this week! I was driving our guest to the church last week and she asked me whether the trees were green when it snowed. That idea surprised me but I would guess that when people in other countries see photos of snow it's usually depicted on evergreens so they assume all the trees are green.

Here's a couple of projects I've listed on this month's Early Work Mercantile. Both are from designs by Lyn Hosford. I hope you'll check out what all the talented artists have listed on this month's EWM!
I also completed the Maggie Bononomi runner. I believe it has been sold but know that sometimes people change their minds so I posted it on EWM just in case.

Kiska is still a bundle of energy. She is the happiest, most playful cat. Even in the middle of the night when we'd like to sleep, which isn't quite so delightful. In fact, it's hard to get a photo of her because she never is still. We have found she is strangely attracted to bags and that's how this photo came about.